The Future Of Africa Is Fibre

The role of last-mile connectivity in Africa’s plans for accelerated socio-economic progress cannot be downplayed. Several roadblocks hinder government’s efforts to ensure fibre coverage in remote and underserved areas. Fundamentally they include commercial unviability and lack of the necessary infrastructure. Ascend Digital Solutions promises to bridge this gap by ensuring connectivity through fibre.

Ascend Digital Solution’s end-to-end fibre rollout services include:

 Planning, designing and engineering

Implantation and management

Operation and maintenance

Strengthening Africa’s Digital
Prowess with Last-Mile Fibre

We’re empowering the next generation of
internet users with end-to-end fibre services
(Fibre to the subscriber or FTTX).

What We Do

Ascend Digital Solutions aims to leapfrog Africa from 3G to 4G, as well as prepare it for 5G adoption.
We work in tandem with the governments of Africa and global partners on:

Fibre Corridors:
• Set up more fibre corridor outputs in rural areas
• Ensure connectivity to e-government programs

Microwave Backhaul:
• Microwave and fibre solutions enable ubiquitous connectivity across remote areas

Through our FTTx services, Ascend Digital Solutions connects Africa’s
underserved population to e-government programs that
revolutionize their socio-economic development.


  • Reliable connection for e-government initiatives
  • Access to better education and information
  • Increased financial inclusion and improved healthcare
  • Improvement in agricultural value chain
  • Plugging the digital and infrastructure gaps

Talk To An Expert

If you have any questions, or wish to see how our services can transform your projects, get in touch with us via call or email.

Our Location

Marina Mall Building, 6th Floor Airport City
Accra. Ghana

Our Email

Connect With Us

Wish to experience our offerings first-hand? Fill out the form below to schedule a free demo or project walk through at your premises.